This Unit was organized on 10 August 1956 pursuant to GO # 12 HPAF dtd 26 July 1966. Activated and designated Headquarters, 520th ABW, PAF effective as of 23 November 1956 pursuant to GO # 239 dtd 06 December 1956. On 01 August 1966, this Unit was manned pursuant to TO & E AF-46, GHQ AFP dtd 18 Feb 1965. Last 01 February 1981. Last 01 February 1981, this Unit was re-designated as Headquarters Administrative Services pursuant to GO # 36 HPAF dtd 10 February 1981.
On 01 May 1990, this Unit was re-designated as Headquarters Squadron, 520th ABW, PAF pursuant to Section 1 GO # 32 H520th ABW dtd 14 May 1990.
On midst 2013, due to the strength of personnel, this Unit was re-designated as Headquarters Administrative Services. For this current year 2013, this Unit has actual strength of 16 Officers, 133 Enlisted Personnel and 26 Civilian Employee. These personnel with various training and skills was distributed to the different Staff Offices of 520th ABW.
“To provide, administrative control over military and civilian personnel assigned or attached with the Wing Headquarters"
Manages military and civilian personnel assigned or attached with the Wing Headquarters.
Supervises the training and morale activities of Hqs Squadron personnel.
Provide local security to the Wing Hqs Complex.
Maintains the cleanliness and orderliness of the Unit Hqs and its immediate vicinity.
Performs other duties as directed by the Wing Commander, 520th ABW.