1301ST Dental Dispensary
The birth of the 1301st Philippine Air Force Dental Dispensary can be traced back as of 01 July 1974. It started as a dependent operating section of the 510th Aviation Medical Center stationed in Nichols Air Base. The Dental Corp then, was adjunct to the Medical Corp.
On 19 December 1950. a type "F" Dental Dispensary was activated authorizing the strength of Two (2) officers and Four (4) Airmen. The personnel of the defunct dental section of the 510th AMC was readily absorbed by the newly activated dental dispensary.
On 01 August 1954, a significant changed occured. The Dental Corp was redesignated Dental Service and the change brought about its separation from the Medical Service to become a separate, distinct and independent service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
On 18 October 1954, the type "F" dental Dispensary was redesignated 513rd Dental Dispensary and with an increased authorized strength of four (4) officers and twelve (12) airmen. Furthermore, this unit was place under the Command and Operational Control of 205th Composite Wing stationed at Nichols Air Base. On 01 September 1961, the dispensary was given a separate new building where to set its operations. on 18 December 1961, the unit's designated as 513rd DD was change to Dental Dispensary (Type "D").
on 01 July 1962, the 515th Dental Dispensary under the 410th Air Materiel Wing also stationed in Nichols Air Base is deactivated. The personnel and equipments of this defunct unit was absorbed by the growing Dental Unit pursuant to the PAF Commanding General's instruction. With the addition of manpower and equipment brought into the unit, the Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E) was changed on 12 August 1963, to include a strength of six (6) officers and fifteen (15) airmen. Subsequently, the Ticonium Laboratory was installed.
When 520th ABW, was organized on 01 August 1966, this Dental Dispensary became one of the operating units of the Wing. on 21 September 1966, the unit was again redesignated as 1301st Dental Dispensary, the name it carries today. From 1947, the Dental Dispensary has steadily grown to what it is today.
The 1301st PAF Dental Dispensary is the primary dental treatment facility of the Philippine Air Force. It provides comprehensive dental healthcare to PAF militayry personnel, their dependents and authorized civilians and indigents patients as part of CMO activities. It is located at Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base, Pasay City. The unit was activated as a dependent section of the 510th Aviation Medical Center on July 1947. Three years later it was elevated into type "F" Dental Dispensary pursuant to para 2, GO# 345, GHQ AFP dated 19 Dec 1950. On 18 Oct 54 it was designated as 513rd Dental Dispensary under the 205th Composite Wing, PAF and on 01 August 1966 as 1301st PAF Dental Dispensary under 520th Air Base Wing. Several years later the 1305th Dental Dispensary under 580th ACWW and 1307th Dental Dispensary under 410th MW were absorbed by 1301st PAFDD merging the three Dental Dispensaries into one facility. On 16 September 87 GO# 205, HPAF published designating the 1301st PAFDD as separate unit directly under the Commanding General, PAF.
In the advent of the development of NAIA's terminal 3, the 1301st PAFDD was transferred to its new building inside CJVAB Complex on 17 January 2007 and become the first dental dispensary that has two-storey structure in the AFP Dental Service.
To provide dental attendance to military personnel, their dependents and authorized civilians.
Advises commanders of military installations on matters pertaining to dental services;
Conducts dental examinations as part of physical examination, to include dental survey of troops;
Treats dental disease and in conformity with clinical requirements, performs dental x-ray exposures;
Makes all types of prosthetic restorations;
Performs root canal therapy, restorative fillings and oral prophylactics as part of preventive dentistry;
Manufactures chrome-cobalt framework for partial denture;
Furnishes assistance in identification of casualties involving maxillary facial injuries as part of forensic dentistry.
Provides treatment, except prosthetic restorations to direct dependents and authorized AFP civilian employees; and
Extends emergency dental care on a round the clock basis; and
Performs other functions as directed by higher headquarters